A dust collection system is used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial or commercial processes by collecting airborne particles, fine dust particles and impurities. Dust collectors work on the basic principle of capture and collect. At VeriCUT, we’ve developed our unique dust collector working principle to not only ensure that your work displays precision, but also to ensure your health is met with the same standard.

The past decade has been devoted to prioritizing the following benefits for the community and environment according to our dust collector working principle:

  • Reducing the vast risks of breathing dust and smoke.
  • Decreasing the risk of fire hazards.
  • Cost savings regarding environmental, custodial and maintenance costs.
  • Lower insurance rates as a result of decreased risk.

With its exceptional cross-flow design, the VeriCUT dust collector working principle focuses on cutting dust collection operating costs by 80% while reducing the environmental impact and improving working health conditions.

How Does It Work?

With the VeriCUT dust collector system, the dust control variable motor is automatically scaled back on shut down until it’s needed, which allows the operator to control the the set-back parameters and overall operating costs.

We’ve developed a zone-by-zone ducting design to accompany our dust collector working principle. This means that the dust collection system draws smoke only from the immediate area affected by cutting at that moment, rather than drawing across the whole table all the time. This results in lower air make-up costs, higher dust recovery rates, better ROI in your equipment and a smaller dust collection system.

Cost Reduction

We’ve done the math so you don’t have to. The monetary savings experienced are proven.

Electricity Savings

Savings > 70%

Based on annual electrical operating costs of $13,124, you can expect to receive $9,187 in savings, bringing your total to $3,937.

Heating Savings

Savings > 70%

Based on annual heating operational costs of $6,160, you can expect to receive $4,312 in savings, bringing your total to $1,848.

Contact us today for your free, no-obligation quote.